Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Solving Radical Expressions.

I think the picture basically explains itself. But anyways here we go. T_T
1.Kill the negative by flipping it to the top
2.Put in the 3/2 into the package
3.16^3 and square root, same with 25^3 and square root
4.For the X term, it's X^3 x X^3/2 which is X^9/2
5.Take out X^4 and there you go! T^T

1.Kill the negatives again by flipping them to the opposite side
2.Put in the 5/2 into the package
3.81^5 to square root and etc.
4.For X and Y terms, it's simply power on power so you x4 with 5/2 to get 20/2 and x2with 5/2 to get 10/2
5. Simplify X and Y
6.There you go :D
7. Picture Mistake. You have to flip X and Y. Sorry about that!

I really don't like doing all the clicking and making sure you have the right terms. It's time consuming and I much rather write it out by hand neatly rather than doing it on a computer. I'm not a tech-junkie and so it was confusing when we had to do it at home. Anyways, always good to learn something new!

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