Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Problem Set #2- Math Question


Last weeks Problem Set was quite hard, wasn't it?
But anyways, I chose question 8.
The question goes like this, "The average (mean) of a list of 10 numbers is 0. if 72 and -12 are added to the list, the new average will be...."

If you look at the question carefully it says a "list of 10 numbers is 0." What else gives you an average of 0? 0 of course!Now if you write down 10 zeros and add 72 on the right side and -12 on the other side, you will have 12 numbers. Now to find an average you add all the numbers and divide by the amount of numbers you have. -12+72= 60. Now, take 60 and divide by the amount of numbers you have. Which is 12! 60/12=5.

The final answer is 5. :D
My reflection on this is that it was easy since I have learned the basics. I think the key to solving these questions is being calm and adding up all the basics you've learned correctly and you will have the answer. Sometimes it may also require some guessing but that rarely occurs if you have your basics. I really like these problem solving Tuesdays. It gives me a break from doing repetitive stuff and gives me a challenge. Each question is different in its own way and it just feels refreshing and fun!

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